Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home

Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home is located at 2203 Avenue Z, Brooklyn New York, 11235 Zip. Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (718) 935-0257.

Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home

Business Name: Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home
Address: 2203 Avenue Z
City: Brooklyn
State: New York
ZIP: 11235
Phone number: (718) 935-0257
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Comfort a grieving friend or loved one with flowers.

Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home directions to 2203 Avenue Z in Brooklyn New York are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 40.5844, -73.9466. Call Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home Obituaries

Gogglebox: gli osservati

Ma è quel che invece si è chiesta Tania Lambert, ideatrice e produttrice dello show Gogglebox,il programma che “guarda chi guarda la tv”. Creato in Inghilterra nel 2013 da Studio Lambert (stessa casa produttrice di Undercover Boss), il format ha debuttato su Channel 4 ottenendo un’accoglienza iniziale relativamente fredda, per poi percorrere un cammino di continua crescita di ascolti, che lo ha portato in un solo anno al raggiungimento della terza stagione e alla promozione in prime time. Sulla scia di un simile successo, il programma ha raggiunto oggi l’ottava stagione in UK, ha sviluppato uno spin-off con protagonisti i bambini (Gogglesporgs) e ha fatto nel frattempo incetta di riconoscimenti, tra cui un Bafta (Oscar della tv inglese) e un National Television Award.Un riscontro, questo, che non è rimasto limitato ai confini anglosassoni, sbarcando in oltre 30 Paesi in tutto il mondo. All’appello mancava però il mercato televisivo italiano, che è corso ai ripari mettendo in produzione lo show anche nel Belpaese, permettendo al pubblico di spiare i salotti delle famiglie italiane, a partire da questa sera alle 23.50 su Italia 1.Ma come funziona di preciso Gogglebox? Questo fixed show – il cui titolo è preso in prestito dallo slang inglese e significa ‘televisore’ - entra nelle case di alcune famiglie, coppie o gruppi di amici, per mostrare il modo in cui sono abituati a passare il tempo davanti alla tv. Di conseguenza, commenti e pensieri reconditi, preferenze e antipatie, elogi e opinioni scomode diventano il motore del programma, svelando al tempo stesso aspetti curiosi e divertenti della vita quotidiana dei protagonisti.A costituire la forza di questo programma, sono infatti proprio gli “osservati”. Ognuno di loro rappresenta una porzione della società (per età, ceto sociale, professione, cultura e origine), consentendo dunque allo spettatore una forte identificazione. Chi tuttavia stesse pensando a una mancanza di naturalezza e a provocazioni forzate, si sbaglia di grosso. Nei salotti degli ‘osservati’ non ci sono componenti della troupe ma solo due camere... ( (Blog))

Student News, July 23, 2015

Imani Vaught and Stacy-Ann Wallen, both of Hartford, have participated in the Open Choice Program for several yearsand were recently named recipients of the program’s annual scholarship, which was established in 2002 in honor of MaryCarroll-Kennedy, the Open Choice Program’s founding director.Formerly known as Project Concern, the Open Choice Program has helped Greater Hartford students for nearly fivedecades. It allows Hartford students the opportunity to attend public schools in suburban towns and suburban studentsthe opportunity to attend public schools in Hartford. The goals are to improve academic achievement; reduce racial,ethnic, and economic isolation; and provide all children with a choice of high-quality educational programs.Wallen, who attended West Hartford Public Schools and graduated June 15 from Hall High School, will study biology or allied health at UConn. She wants to become a neonatal nurse, and her $3,000 scholarship will help her as she pursues her dream.Vaught was able to attend Avon Public Schools and graduated from Avon High School on June 16. In the fall, she will be a freshman at UConn, where she will study veterinary sciences with an equestrian concentration. Her $2,000 scholarship will help pay for her education.Both scholarship winners were actively involved in extracurricular activities at their respective high schools andcommunities, while also exploring their individual interests.Vaught learned more about animals by volunteering and taking horseback riding lessons at Ebony Horsewomen Inc., astable in Hartford. She also volunteered at the Animal Veterinary General Hospital in Avon. With an interest in dance,Wallen attended the CREC Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts as a half-day student, and she explored her interest inhealth by participating in the Aetna Health Professions Partnership Initiative.Since 2002, 36 Open Choice students have benefited from the Mary Carroll-Kennedy Scholarship.Alissi named to Endicott dean’s listBeverly, MA >> Alyson Ayre Alissi was named to the spring 2015 dean’s list at Endicott College. She... (West Hartford News)

Show your sympathy and support during these difficult times with beautiful selection of funeral flowers delivered to Anthony A Pastorelli Funeral Home for viewing, visitation of burial service.

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